Tale of Two Churches

Going to Church 

Jared had the weight of the world upon his shoulders as he now faced the threat of being fired from his new job. He just bought a house, and number three is on the way. Jared is so ashamed. He and his wife step out of their car and make their way into the church. He puts a smile on his face and takes a deep breath as he steps inside. Jared loves the church. It is where he can connect himself with the Lord and where it helps him to get his priorities straight. Jared needs church in his life! He has had many counsel sessions with his pastor, for which he is very grateful. With each session with the pastor, Jared would feel confident and resolved in how he will conduct his affairs and his life and be the husband and father God calls him to be. Today he is feeling especially like a fraud and wonders how he will once again face his pastor as he has landed himself in another jackpot of a mess. Misty holds Jared’s hand tightly as they streamline into the church. She once again faces the threat of losing it all. She has vowed in her heart that if Jared continues to play with their hard-earned money as he does she will have no other choice but to leave him. She prays and prays that this will not be the case, and is so glad the Lord hears her prayers. She feels alone in the battles that rage around her in her day to day and wishes she had someone she could confide in. She can’t help but fixate on how resentful she feels now. Jared has had five jobs in the last two years. Thankfully, the jobs he gets are well-paying due to his degrees and high pay grade. He provides for her and loves to work and for this, she could not complain. It is Jared’s gambling that angers her so. He treats money like a game of Monopoly. He invests or calls it investing in the stocks that always lose. His second home is the casino, and his pastime is the daily lottery. In each job Jared has had these last two years, he has had to take advance pay regularly so they may stay afloat. Lately, his habit has been to take lunch conveniently located at the casino near his work and return late more often than not. On several occasions, Jared failed to return altogether. He was about to win big in his defense and could not escape lady luck! And he would come home sure enough with a fistful of cash that would take him months to earn. But just as quickly it came quicker did it go. Today, they are on the backside of a gambling bender which has seriously interfered with his work and his relationship with Misty one too many times.

Misty holds her head high, as she betrays her heart to nod and smile warmly to all who welcome them in. She and Jared have attended this church for five years and have grown fond of all the precious people and families there. She recalls how she has never had any of them over to her house but does meet with them regularly once per week and sometimes at special meetings. She muses how they don’t really know her and certainly, they do not know Jared, the real Jared. She wonders how this can be, for are they not all supposed to be brothers and sisters in the Lord and are they not commanded to love each other? How can they if they don’t know her, nor she know them? She wonders if they are the only family that put on a happy church face as she looks around. They find seating in the pew and sit down with heavy hearts.  

All eyes are facing forward, as they look to Pastor Clementine who has taken his place behind the podium and is assembling his papers. He is in the prime of his life, no longer considered green, and not yet ready to be put out for pasture. He has gained much experience and has acquired a great deal of knowledge to be a worthy servant and shepherd of the flock. He would never be able to lead if it had not been for his wife who stands by and supports him in his ministry. He suffers a great deal with frustration in seeing his congregation stumbling in their sin, and almost seems like when he preaches to them about such things it only gets worse! He dedicates a great deal to tailoring his sermons specifically for his flock and often is exasperated when it seems to fall on deaf ears!   

He wonders why this is so and how he can improve his communication and tactics to get through to them. He has read many books on this matter that other pastors have experienced and applied the methods they claim have given them success in this area to no avail. He vows he will not give up and give the devil victory over his people! Today pastor Clementine will preach to them on the need to ‘rejoice in the Lord always!’ He has read a fair bit on the subject and read many other sermons of great men of God and has his 10-page sermon clutched in his hand ready to feed his flock. He and his wife have prayed all week that this message will not only be received but also practiced.

To some, the message is received well as they take notes carefully, while to others, it is like eating dry sand, Jared and Misty being of this unreceptive group. After a long and drawn-out sermon, in Jared’s opinion, he and Misty collect their things and gather the children cutting playtime with the others short as they are in no mood to chit-chat today, so they attempt to slip out without any fanfare, but this is not to be as pastor Clementine has made sure he would find Jared to encourage him before he leaves. “Jared!” He calls from across the room making his way over. He extends his hand onto Jared’s shoulder and looks intently into his eyes, ‘How is the Lord speaking to you, this week Jared?’ Jared blurts out to him, ‘I can do all things in Christ, and will rejoice in the day the Lord has made!’ His response sounded rehearsed because it was and was so obvious to Misty, but it was music to pastor Clementine’s ears. Both Jared and Misty leave with heavier hearts than when they first came, while pastor Clementine feels his discipleship with Jared is proving successful and turns from them praising the Lord.    

Gloria sits in silence as the words of the pastor seem to do one thing to her and that is sting. They stir in her a storm that induces guilt because she has not rejoiced nor has she the ability to which adds shame and on top of that she begins to question if her faith is even true. For her reality is, that it is all she can do to stay above from sinking in despair. For what awaits her at home is far from what inspires her to rejoice. Her husband will be angry because she is not there to prepare his lunch so he will help himself to a few beers that will bide the time until Gloria returns home. He hates Sundays because he has to wait until she gets home before his day of rest can begin and is certain to make sure she knows how much he is not happy about church day. She knows when she arrives home, he will be under the influence – again, to which she must contend. She thinks of this as her pastor exhorts her to rejoice always! When the message is over, she silently is thankful. She gathers her things moves out to the fellowship hall and pours herself a cup of coffee. Out of nowhere, she hears Pastor Clementine, ‘Hello Gloria, how has the Word impacted you today?’ the pastor asks. She smiles and says, ‘Thank you, pastor, it has reminded me how I need to rejoice more!’ She concludes in her heart she has not lied to him but speaks what she knows he wants to hear. She wishes she could tell him what the truth is but how do you do that in two minutes? His face reveals he is pleased with her answer and pats her on the shoulder with departing words, “The Lord bless you, sister!” Looking past Gloria, he sees Samantha- a young woman who deeply concerns him, with her ramblings about how she is experiencing the Holy Spirit teaching her from the Word of God. It was just last week she had told him she was asking the Lord for the gift of prophecy! That is the last thing he needs around here among his congregation a rogue holy roller! He makes his way over to find out what is going on this week so he may put out any fire she has kindled of such nonsense! Meanwhile, Gloria has left her coffee and leaves without anyone noticing.   

Pastor Clementine prides himself on keeping in touch with his flock and making sure they are abiding by the vine. He is most pleased with how many of his flock he can connect with each Sunday and is glad they enjoy fellowship together.  

The inspiration for today’s message had much to do with a conversation that his wife had with Gloria last week. She has wanted to reach out to Gloria and it seemed good to make time last Sunday to do just that. As they sat down together, she asked Gloria how she was doing and how her farm stand was making out this season. In the words of his wife, Gloria seemed to speak mostly about what was wrong in her life. And his wife was offended by how negative she was. Upon discussing this wayward member they felt such ones like this will impact others negatively. They both recall Gloria as never smiling and was like she had a dark cloud above her. Perhaps this attitude she has is why her husband does not see the light they conclude. Then there was the last counsel session he had with Jared. Jared opened up his heart to tell him how his wife only complains to him about what he is not doing in their marriage. He saw how this tore Jared up as he began to tell the pastor how he just bought her the house of her dreams, the very one she wanted. How they can afford private school for the kids and how he faithfully goes to work every day, so they may enjoy these things, only to come home every day with her complaining to him about how he falls short.  

Pastor Clementine felt the leading of the Lord to preach this message not just so these two women would change their poor attitudes but to the whole congregation and he looks forward to how the Lord will work among them.

Being the Church

As they assemble in the home of James and Sheila Clementine, they say their quick hellos and quiet down for most everyone has arrived. It is a marvelous sight really, to see how many can comfortably sit together in a living room! James stands in the middle of the room and welcomes everyone, his cheeks rosy and his eyes bright with the joy of the Lord as he gazes affectionately at each member present.   

“Hello, dear brothers and sisters! Welcome to our home! May the Lord have His way here as we submit to Him everything! Let nothing hinder His presence as we seek His headship among us! Let us bow our heads in silence as we commit ourselves to the Lord so He may have His perfect will accomplished this evening!”  

Each bows their head and goes in a moment of unhurried time of prayer and submission to the Lord. James Clementine gently begins speaking in the silence ushering in the meeting at hand.   

“The Lord be glorified among us! Have Your way with us! Amen”  

“Brothers and Sisters, it has been almost six months now since we made the switch to begin practicing our faith in Christ as individual members of Christ’s Body in which we are learning how to function and live according to the Lord’s desire for His Church. I’ll be the first to admit, how it has changed my own life and walk with the Lord personally! We are all walking alongside each other, to which the Holy Spirit is teaching us and leading us -this is for certain! I realize how the job I assumed as the Pastor over you was not how the Lord intended it to be but calls forth a much greater plan and work among us! We have definitely all been put on a serious spiritual learning curve as we are led by the Lord’s Spirit together as living stones built upon the Rock of our Salvation which is the chief cornerstone. We are His Church without walls – amen?” In unison, all respond with a much enthusiastic “Amen!”   

With everyone’s attention, James continues by asking the question “Does anyone have something that the Lord has placed in their heart for His people?”  

There was a pause as they waited upon the Lord, and then it was Samantha who began with a song. The words softly lifted into the air of worship to the Lord of Lords. With simplicity, her words were few but no less full of adoration and awe in expression to His Holiness in which she lifted His name. Samantha not once has done this kind of thing, but as she submitted to the Lord and His Word, these last few months – the Lord laid upon her melodies and songs of worship that she sang (alone) back to Him. Today was the day He gave her release to begin singing them to His Body so they may also partake in the sweetness of worship in song to Him. She was a bit apprehensive knowing this as they all gathered – but her nervousness disappeared as she stepped out in faith doing as the Lord had instructed her. Everyone was touched to the inner depths of their soul and spirit, with some tears beginning to flow and others dropping down to the floor on their knees in response for it was like they were before the Lord’s throne. There seemed to be a sweet fragrance of Christ wafting through the air, and Peter reached for his guitar and started plucking the strings with the tune that had been rolling around his head all last week, and lo and behold it fits perfectly in with this beautiful medley.    

Samantha motioned with her hand for others to join in and so the rest began to sing the string of simple words to the Lord. This act of worship began to take shape and build in dimension as layers were added by those who felt led contributing soft praise or humming a complimentary tune adding depth and fulness. This was more than a song, but one that was authored by the Spirit of God Himself. He was lifted not just in word but in truth as they joined in unity in worship. It was like in the day that the walls of Jericho came tumbling down, as it seemed like something had broken and come down that was over them bringing release.   

One act by a nervous sister led to a work of wonder among the Body of Christ in worshiping the Lord in Spirit and truth. The praises become His throne in which He sat among them, and His glory was revealed! After this momentous new thing had come to a close and the assembly was settled, Jared stood up with a long moment of pause a little unsure of how he will begin. He takes a deep breath and asks the Lord to help him.  

“Brothers and sisters, I am blessed to be here with you. Right now, I feel compelled to confess to the Lord and before you sin in my life. I have not been the man that God calls me to be and in fact, have been a fraud. Right now, I confess that I have been walking in my desires and lusts. One of which is gambling. I will probably lose my job by it and possibly my marriage.”  Misty cannot believe her ears, her heart melts with compassion for her husband in his humility. “I have sinned against God, my family, and you, and today I repent!”  He clasps his hands together asking for prayer so he may rectify his wrongs and begin rebuilding the mess he has made of his life. They all encircle Jared and each begins to pray over him and it is like he is bathed in the Word of the Lord being washed and cleaned. Misty experiences a weight she did not realize was upon her – lifted off.   

After a few minutes of hoots and hollers of praise and thanksgiving for the repentant man before them the group quiets down and everyone takes their seats.  

Gloria stands up and waits for their attention and begins to share how the Lord has released her from the burden she did not realize she was carrying, during the song they had sung to the Lord. She shared how as they sang, she offered up to the Lord forgiveness to her husband and when she did this, it was like she was sprung free from a prison house that she did not know she was in! She testified how much lighter she feels and how she has compassion for her husband and love that was not there before! She says that the Lord has given her this – and gives Him glory. The group went wild with jubilation and began offering to the Lord gleeful shouts of praise and worship in unison and harmony.   

Arnold waits and stands up.  “I feel like the Lord wants us to lift Gloria’s husband, Cliff in prayer” and with agreement, they bow and begin to intercede for him. Through words of knowledge, Arnold asks the Lord to free him from the bondage of alcoholism. Gloria is amazed, for she never disclosed to anyone her husband’s issues. Her prayers are answered! She only last week asked the Lord to reveal Himself in her life and marriage! On the heels of the prayer Samantha begins singing – another song the Lord taught her. It fit like a glove in that moment for it was a word of prophesy. Gloria is overwhelmed as the Lord has touched her in which she has been encouraged that all is well in her life because He is there!  

Stan moves to the center of the room, “Brothers and sisters, how amazing the Lord is, the depths and riches are far from us ever comprehending this side of heaven! For last week He has wrought in me a word that is exactly for today!“ He opened the scriptures and began expounding the Word that the Lord had given him the previous week. Stan enjoyed going deep into the study of the scriptures. Up until a few months ago, he kept his studies to himself and would share them here and there. It was not long did he realized that many of his studies seemed to be in perfect alignment with the meeting and so he began to share the Word as he was led by the Spirit. He had never stood up before in front of people to speak and actually would have never dreamed of doing such a thing! Yet, when he took that first step to share, he couldn’t believe his ears! Who was speaking he asked himself. And was astonished to realize it was him! He realized that God had given him the gift to teach, and when he felt the Holy Spirit move him to teach, the others hung on his every word, for it seemed alive!  

When Stan finished, James Clementine stood up.   

“People of the Lord, my brothers and sisters, I am so thankful that the Lord has opened up to us His will for His Church! All the years I have taken the place and center of attention at our meetings only prevented others from functioning in the gifts the Lord has given us by His Spirit! I am sorry and only look forward to seeing the Lord move among us as we step out in faith in this new (to us) and vital biblical way He desires His Body to walk. For He is alive! He is alive in all of us! May we make room for Him to take His place!”   

Already it was 10 pm. Three hours had passed that seemed only like minutes. The winding-up for the night began.   

“Open house – over at the Smith’s on Hill Avenue, Wednesday from 10 am till 6 or so! We’ll have a pot of stew, freshly baked bread, and cinnamon buns for anyone who wishes to come out for a visit!”   Anita and Don Smith have had a few open houses already and were thoroughly enjoying the fellowship it provided the Lord’s people. Though only one, two, or three came at one time, the Lord and His ministry to the saints was no less present in power!   

James makes his way to Jared not wanting to miss him before he leaves. “Jared! It was very courageous of you to share with us. Would you like to meet for a coffee this week to talk more?” Jared quickly answered, “I would love that! Thank you, James!”    

James and Sheila after saying their goodbyes to all, turn to each other upon shutting the front door – simultaneously saying, “God is so good!” They laugh and begin putting their living room back together singing the new song they just learned.

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